~ things i love with a capital P ~

PERSPECTIVE, pottery barn patio furniture displays, practically all track jackets, putting my hope in Christ alone, photography, pistachio nuts, parenting as a privilege, pairs of cute sunglasses, painful times deepening friendships, pink bubblegum ice cream (by the pint), perseverance, practical jokes, people, people i can trust, plumeria flowers, pearl earrings that were my grandma's, pantene smooth vitality conditioner, plopping clutter into the trash, pigtails all messed up after naptime on my girls, purel hand sanitizer, painting walls with color, pouring into people's lives, plush blankets, prioritizing, polished nails, pharmacies with 24hr drive-thrus, places where palm trees survive winter, packing away my 2009 "calendar", pacific northwest mountains & rivers, pie plates with fluted edges, purpose, puppies named bronson, preferring the word pacing vs. procrastinating, people who love to say i'm sorry more than they love to hear it, pocket-sized butterfingers, phone calls with special friends, piano music, patterned scarves, practicing not to presume things, planting flowers in pots, passion, penne pasta, panda bears reminding me of my love for HK & japan, pillows that are just right, praise & worship freeing people of pride & insecurities, paying for starbucks coffee with gift cards, putting on my running shoes, pomegranate mixed drinks, putting off dishes till company leaves, purses filled with lipgloss, people who can be vulnerable, parties for every occasion, politeness, plane rides to far away places, popcorn that's air-popped, paul marrying stephanie, pedicures, peaceful homes, price tags with a clearance sticker on them, pre-recorded tv watching, poverty prompting compassion, pieces of angel food cake & strawberries for breakfast, peeking in on my girls while they sleep, products from bath-n-body works, packs of trident spearmint gum, people who can laugh & be witty when life gets hard, paper plates in bulk, papa murphys garlic spinach chicken artichoke de-lite pizza, pretending my girls and i wrote 'put your arms around me' by natasha bedingfield for each other & singing/dancing to it each night after work to remind me to put grace & humor in EVERYTHING (towards myself & them) or it will feel like a really long work week, a very short life, and an inevitable amount of colorful language exposure that i couldn't possibly blame all on the playground...............

we're. crazy. about. these. songs.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winter 2008~Before Christmas Picture Postings!

This is Hallé who fell very in love with a Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer gift she got...so much so that she snuck off into a room with a red marker and decided to become his twin...this is how I found her!

This picture will always remind me of the sweetness of us being in new/own place this Christmas and the tenderness in Eden's heart...When Hallé was throwing a fit about not being able to see all of their individual baby ornaments they have to hunt for....Eden came up with this great idea...
Who couldn't use a piggy back every now and then?

Watching the Senske Tree lights and listening to the music on the radio that they are programed to blink to...The dashboard was the warmest!

If you know Eden...you know it's very hard to capture that deep genuine smile...6 year olds have this posing complex and they make the weirdest faces....This s her trying to keep her smile in while watching the Senske lights.
When did she get so grown up looking?
I love you Eden, no matter how you smie!!!

Eden and Hallé's Uncle Travis got engaged the week before Christmas. So, this is them at the church Christmas production with their Auntie-to-be...Johnnaé!
(Yes, I did dress my girls in matching track suits for the Christmas service at church!!??...Can you tell I'd pick a track jacket over a dress any day!!!)

This was a daily ritual pretty much every day there was snow on the ground. The girls associated the snow with Hot Cocoa and Mini-Marshmallows(and sometimes topped off with whipped cream from the can). I think they usually preferred straight shots to the mouth though.

Enjoying the snow with friends....
(Jaedyn Beauchamp & Eden in the backyard)

...then they came in for; of course....Hot Cocoa and Mini-Marshmallows.

Mommy and Hallé snow sledding out at Grandpa Bob & Grandma Roxies yard ~~~My 79 year old grandpa & I'll leave my grandma out....:) had built themselves a sled run/shoot sort of thing on their huge lawn out in Finley and begged us to come join them! They had a couple hours on us! Unfortunately all the pictures I snapped of them came out too dark.~~

Pink Cheeked in front of Grandma Roxie's Pointsettia
after playing on the sled run

More pink cheeks after Grandpa and Grandma's sledding adventures. Eden even tried standing in a sled and held the front rope and said she was surfing down the hill...it was hysterical and she basically white washed herself and of course...did it again!

Here's our "Claire Bear" teaching her favorite Bear some Christmas songs after the sledding was done.

Getting ready for some snow fun with our friends during the week that Eden's Kindergarten was canceled every single morning five days in a row!!!
(Leaving her with a Christmas Break that was 3 weeks long)
(Eden, Grady, Hallé, Sydney)
Eden's passion for anything creative/Arts & crafts + the need for some homemade wall decor for the holidays =
One very happy and clever Eden using some old tree garland to frame her artwork and gluing Fruity Cheerios to her tree cut outs.
(Eden and Sydney)

Last year Eden attending Shining Stars Preschool. This year we were lucky enough to return to visit old teachers/friends at the Christmas Production because her 5 best friends are all enrolled.
This is Eden asking Santa for a TinkerBell lamp....(however it was 4 shopping days before Christmas and Santa somehow didn't pull it off!!!) Luckily she never remembered.
Hallé had been hysterical twice already this evening even glancing at Santa, but this is a photo out friend Phil caught of her first moments being brave with Santa when she realized she could ask him for an Elmo....(Lucky for her Santa had already delivered and wrapped that one)... and get a candy cane!
2 year old are still wonderfully impressionable when it comes to influencing toy selections!! lol...6 year olds - Not so much.
After the Shining Stars performance!!!!
Ella, Eden, Abby, Jaedyn, Hallé

Exchanging gifts with friends...
Hallé, Grady, Eden, Sydney, and Justin
(pretty sad, but I think this was the best shot we were able to get of all our kids together and we were actually pleased and proud considering how hard it normally is to even get them all to fit in the camera lens and the same time!!)
Just giddy about the snow! And we were trying to get one so she could look on the camera later and see the snow in the air falling she had thrown.

This is Eden in the front Hookey Bobbin' behind a friends 4-wheeler. The snow was falling so thick that you pretty much had to have the goggles on to be able to keep your eyes open. Especially going as fast as Eden wanted. We thought she freaked at the end of the road, but had stopped that man to request that he please go FASTER! ???? Why can't I get her to want to go faster on the Jet Ski's??? Funny thing is Hal will let me got about 40 or faster on the Jet Ski's with her in front of me, yet she wanted nothing to do with Hookey Bobbin'.....hmmmm Comfort Zones; how are they really created???

I've said it before, I'll say it again...where do all the lost gloves go?

The gloves were definately needed because late at night we realized we had made a nice path to walk and place for us to park, but nowhere for any daycare parents to park and get in and out. We were trenched in on all sides from the snow plow throwing so much along our driveway!
Note to everyone: Eden and Hallé are awesome shovelers or as Hallé say "shubbelers"

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