~ things i love with a capital P ~

PERSPECTIVE, pottery barn patio furniture displays, practically all track jackets, putting my hope in Christ alone, photography, pistachio nuts, parenting as a privilege, pairs of cute sunglasses, painful times deepening friendships, pink bubblegum ice cream (by the pint), perseverance, practical jokes, people, people i can trust, plumeria flowers, pearl earrings that were my grandma's, pantene smooth vitality conditioner, plopping clutter into the trash, pigtails all messed up after naptime on my girls, purel hand sanitizer, painting walls with color, pouring into people's lives, plush blankets, prioritizing, polished nails, pharmacies with 24hr drive-thrus, places where palm trees survive winter, packing away my 2009 "calendar", pacific northwest mountains & rivers, pie plates with fluted edges, purpose, puppies named bronson, preferring the word pacing vs. procrastinating, people who love to say i'm sorry more than they love to hear it, pocket-sized butterfingers, phone calls with special friends, piano music, patterned scarves, practicing not to presume things, planting flowers in pots, passion, penne pasta, panda bears reminding me of my love for HK & japan, pillows that are just right, praise & worship freeing people of pride & insecurities, paying for starbucks coffee with gift cards, putting on my running shoes, pomegranate mixed drinks, putting off dishes till company leaves, purses filled with lipgloss, people who can be vulnerable, parties for every occasion, politeness, plane rides to far away places, popcorn that's air-popped, paul marrying stephanie, pedicures, peaceful homes, price tags with a clearance sticker on them, pre-recorded tv watching, poverty prompting compassion, pieces of angel food cake & strawberries for breakfast, peeking in on my girls while they sleep, products from bath-n-body works, packs of trident spearmint gum, people who can laugh & be witty when life gets hard, paper plates in bulk, papa murphys garlic spinach chicken artichoke de-lite pizza, pretending my girls and i wrote 'put your arms around me' by natasha bedingfield for each other & singing/dancing to it each night after work to remind me to put grace & humor in EVERYTHING (towards myself & them) or it will feel like a really long work week, a very short life, and an inevitable amount of colorful language exposure that i couldn't possibly blame all on the playground...............

we're. crazy. about. these. songs.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Give us this day our daily bread....and WAY more????

Jesus we celebrate you as Lord in our hearts daily...Thank you for your spirit that draws our eyes closer to understanding the peace you offer so freely in every situation, and Father we are humbled constantly by the gracious and undeserved gift of your son Jesus. So when it's your Birthday we feel so silly why we come bearing gifts to ourselves??? Although I can fully help my girls understand why it is so wonderful to give gifts and "celebrate" gift giving in remembrance of our "true gift giver"...I still struggled with Toys R Us and Target not defeating the whole purpose, when their favorite part of gift giving after a Birthday and Christmas just days apart was indeed ---And with great JOY and ENTHUSIASM I might add: The receiving End!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will continue to instill graciousness and a giving heart....Yet as I watched them scream each and every time they opened a gift whether it was a blinking Elmo necklace from the Target $1 bins or The blessed Polly Pocket Mega Mall....My heart raced thinking are they being ruined?...spoiled?...do I need to drive them over to the mission before our next package unwrapping pit stop? How will they ever understand the poverty my eyes have seen in other countries as well as our own? How will I teach them to love the simple things in life? What if they love Santa more than Jesus someday? And then it hit me....IMPOSSIBLE! They are celebrating passionately with gratitude, just as we want them learn to do as daughters of a gracious King and know his love, attention, and quiet whispers constantly. They never think twice whether or not they deserve it...of course they deserve what He has for them..:)...Be it riches or rags... None of us, including them are worthy of grace, but why would I want them to think they didn't deserve something and had to be "better girls" before they could receive these gifts or the gift of salvation? A content heart is very contagious....and that is why I trust in our home we will never have to worry about Santa trumping out Jesus. We pack away Santa and stockings and wonderful traditions until next year. Amen. But the celebration of the grace of God never has to be packed away. With that said, here are our traditions on Christmas Day at their sweetest! Thank you God that I got to grow up and "witness" to my own kids every minute of everyday whether I realize it or not...

We're up and ready for Christmas!!!! Well, maybe not Rascal? Poor dog, he's almost 16 years old!

Thank you Grampie Gene for my Strawberry Shortcake DVD's!!!

This is Hallé preciously pretending she can read the names while she just kept continuing to deliver them all to "Beeeaaa" (Beth) -what she calls Grandma Beth.

Some serious stocking fun...Uncle Paul you look very slow on the draw against this 6 year old?!!

Dad, you didn't think we'd leave you out did you??

Ok mean mean mommy, now you went too far....."Mine new pecial jammies all broke broke broke!" Sorry baby.

Thank goodness again, that grammie knows how much we LOVE our blankies around here and she knew it would be wise to find an almost duplicate "rainbow stripey lovie". "Mine Lubs it soooo much!"

Sorry Uncle Paul, Mom said the Hannah Montana highlighter shows up better on thinning or lighter hair....you pick the reason; I pick the color!

Mommy doesn't want to take off her new red coat from Aeropostale she asked for....the pockets feel like gloves inside. It is the reason I will be able to face next winter with a smile on my face!

Thank you Uncle Paul and Auntie-to-be Stephanie (YIPEE) for the Go Fishing game.

"Post Luczynski Feasting..." Paul you look like you overate?!!

Grandma Roxie opening our gifts...I knew she'd like the blanket...I bought the same one for myself...well via a White Elephant Gift Exchange where my new love is competing to take home my own gift...I'm like 4 for 4 and it makes people NUTSO!!- - Bring it! Anyways the blanket is soooo plush and soft, it's on my lap right now!

Grandpa Bob...well there just aren't words, but this picture of him making this face, especially zoomed in is now at the top of my list! He clearly loves his new hat.

Santa delivered Elmo safely to Hal via Grandma Roxie...Eden and her loved the My Little Pony gifts.
My grandma makes me so proud and loves a good deal probably 100 times more than even I do..which is A LOT!!! So, we were all spoiled with Cashmina and Cashmere scarfs this year. Let's just say she really knows how to work a sale at Tuesday Morning.

Yup....that is a Hannah Montana green highlight in my hair I just spotted...Thank you Eden!

Dr. Luczynski looks awesome in his Moose pajamas he has worn on his trip home at Christmas for eternities...

and....More scarfs. Thank you Hallé for the 3 above photos that you took!

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