~ things i love with a capital P ~

PERSPECTIVE, pottery barn patio furniture displays, practically all track jackets, putting my hope in Christ alone, photography, pistachio nuts, parenting as a privilege, pairs of cute sunglasses, painful times deepening friendships, pink bubblegum ice cream (by the pint), perseverance, practical jokes, people, people i can trust, plumeria flowers, pearl earrings that were my grandma's, pantene smooth vitality conditioner, plopping clutter into the trash, pigtails all messed up after naptime on my girls, purel hand sanitizer, painting walls with color, pouring into people's lives, plush blankets, prioritizing, polished nails, pharmacies with 24hr drive-thrus, places where palm trees survive winter, packing away my 2009 "calendar", pacific northwest mountains & rivers, pie plates with fluted edges, purpose, puppies named bronson, preferring the word pacing vs. procrastinating, people who love to say i'm sorry more than they love to hear it, pocket-sized butterfingers, phone calls with special friends, piano music, patterned scarves, practicing not to presume things, planting flowers in pots, passion, penne pasta, panda bears reminding me of my love for HK & japan, pillows that are just right, praise & worship freeing people of pride & insecurities, paying for starbucks coffee with gift cards, putting on my running shoes, pomegranate mixed drinks, putting off dishes till company leaves, purses filled with lipgloss, people who can be vulnerable, parties for every occasion, politeness, plane rides to far away places, popcorn that's air-popped, paul marrying stephanie, pedicures, peaceful homes, price tags with a clearance sticker on them, pre-recorded tv watching, poverty prompting compassion, pieces of angel food cake & strawberries for breakfast, peeking in on my girls while they sleep, products from bath-n-body works, packs of trident spearmint gum, people who can laugh & be witty when life gets hard, paper plates in bulk, papa murphys garlic spinach chicken artichoke de-lite pizza, pretending my girls and i wrote 'put your arms around me' by natasha bedingfield for each other & singing/dancing to it each night after work to remind me to put grace & humor in EVERYTHING (towards myself & them) or it will feel like a really long work week, a very short life, and an inevitable amount of colorful language exposure that i couldn't possibly blame all on the playground...............

we're. crazy. about. these. songs.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

January moments...from Princess' to Wii-tards!

Dress up time..The dress that Eden is wearing is amazing. Her great grandma Joey hand made the whole thing for her (you can tell she made it extra big, knowing that it would be a hit and need to last awhile). And the dress that Hallé is wearing is "hand" me-down from Eden's dress up attire!

Snuggling up and watching The Bee movie on the couch. The tv/dvd player are literally 2feet away to the left, but it's "cooler" to watch on the portable player!

Mommy's little "Wii-tards" if you don't get why it's funny and not rude...Ask Morgan. It's from a Facebook flair that she laughed at for hours and then 4 hours later when the joke was still being laughed about...it was discovered by my inner genius that I hadn't "gotten" the joke and blah blah blah....it was downhill from there. (Notice the moose?...It's the only way I could keep Eden from boxing the tv screen....she and Hallé are Wii contenders for sure! They each knocked each other out!)

This is Eden practicing her jump roping skills. On Saturday, January 17th her Papa lost his best friend of 30some years at age 55 to a massive heart attack. Eden's heart was sad for her whole family and their huge loss. She knew her daddy was doing the funeral and that everyone was crying a lot, so it was really amazing that her school happened to be doing Jump Rope for Heart-athon. She with my help got to make her own little web page and set fundraising goals and sent out letters for support. She was very excited at her success and seemed at peace with this distraction for how to grieve this special friend she had been camping with just this September. She made the web site and her jump-a-thon in honor of Dave Gross who had died the Saturday prior. This is her certificate that went up in the gym with his name/info. on it.

We couldn't believe it had just snowed the week prior and it was gorgeous out....almost 60degrees...............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Spring arrive asap. I can't stand being cold.

This is Eden's handwriting at the bottom and side. She has improved so much since Kindergarten started disciplining her speedy chicken scratch penmanship...I think she gets it from her Uncle Paul. He has terrible handwriting; always has, yet he is now Dr.Luczynski 3rd year dental student!

The girls pets.....I know it's not looking hopeful that they will talk their mom into a pet anytime soon. At least not until a few more daycare kids are potty trained!! I vow to only potty train one species at a time; I think I've earned it!

Sidewalk painting...with snacks of course?

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