~ things i love with a capital P ~

PERSPECTIVE, pottery barn patio furniture displays, practically all track jackets, putting my hope in Christ alone, photography, pistachio nuts, parenting as a privilege, pairs of cute sunglasses, painful times deepening friendships, pink bubblegum ice cream (by the pint), perseverance, practical jokes, people, people i can trust, plumeria flowers, pearl earrings that were my grandma's, pantene smooth vitality conditioner, plopping clutter into the trash, pigtails all messed up after naptime on my girls, purel hand sanitizer, painting walls with color, pouring into people's lives, plush blankets, prioritizing, polished nails, pharmacies with 24hr drive-thrus, places where palm trees survive winter, packing away my 2009 "calendar", pacific northwest mountains & rivers, pie plates with fluted edges, purpose, puppies named bronson, preferring the word pacing vs. procrastinating, people who love to say i'm sorry more than they love to hear it, pocket-sized butterfingers, phone calls with special friends, piano music, patterned scarves, practicing not to presume things, planting flowers in pots, passion, penne pasta, panda bears reminding me of my love for HK & japan, pillows that are just right, praise & worship freeing people of pride & insecurities, paying for starbucks coffee with gift cards, putting on my running shoes, pomegranate mixed drinks, putting off dishes till company leaves, purses filled with lipgloss, people who can be vulnerable, parties for every occasion, politeness, plane rides to far away places, popcorn that's air-popped, paul marrying stephanie, pedicures, peaceful homes, price tags with a clearance sticker on them, pre-recorded tv watching, poverty prompting compassion, pieces of angel food cake & strawberries for breakfast, peeking in on my girls while they sleep, products from bath-n-body works, packs of trident spearmint gum, people who can laugh & be witty when life gets hard, paper plates in bulk, papa murphys garlic spinach chicken artichoke de-lite pizza, pretending my girls and i wrote 'put your arms around me' by natasha bedingfield for each other & singing/dancing to it each night after work to remind me to put grace & humor in EVERYTHING (towards myself & them) or it will feel like a really long work week, a very short life, and an inevitable amount of colorful language exposure that i couldn't possibly blame all on the playground...............

we're. crazy. about. these. songs.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Polka dots, Stripes, & Super-Stars

This is a  memory i love. Hallé patiently waiting for Eden to round the corner walking home from school...She does this often and they scream and run to hug each other.

Although I'm very partial to using black and white photos over color almost everytime; there was no possible way for a black and white to capture the red cowgirl boots that Eden used to proudly romp around in as well...accompanied by the pastel polka dotted shirt and pink striped pants she chose for herself today.  Please note that if you ever hear me fighting with my kids or losing it with them...it's purposeful and a battle i chose...because if it's not clear by now, clothing is NOT a battle i've chosen (well i've chosen it a few times stupidly but i lose happily; it's not worth it)  i adore their whimsical and confidant wardrobe choices at home or to the grocery store. I still have to step in when they sometimes pick their birthday suits (ok..often for hallé as erin fay frequently points out!) As a mom I like to dream about what this will look like in them as they grow older...bold, confidant, not concerned about what others think,  secure, able to laugh at themselves & make others feel comfortable & included, decisive, seeing the beauty within themselves of a loving spirit the way God does .....  i can dream.  i'm more than aware of the hormonal closet raiding wars that most likely await us.   i will visit this post when that day comes and remind myself of these free spirited clothing days and their anticipation for each others arms after a long day apart.

The girls watching the Olympics

(yes erin,  i'm aware and have no explanation that once again hal is naked?)
Hallé watched the ski jumping event with me and said "i'm going to do that. i will be so good. take me to that hill and put those on my feet so i can go up in the air for a long time too mom."
I was like "hal, mommy would get nauseated just standing at the top of that hill thinking of being up in mid air at that height free falling, but if you're ever the best, i'll go and be brave." she said: "i will be, just trap those 'ki-ing fings on my feet and i will go up so high and it will not be 'cary for me."

Eden had her friend get to stay for a sleepover here and had fun getting fancy...

Hallé too....

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