We were even so lucky to already have our friend take her portraits in her sparkly pink shoes, with pink ball, and pink shin pads.
Did I mention that her water bottle is pink & white too?
The "Stamps" Story...I don't have a picture of this because I didn't have my camera at that time. A couple weeks after this photo you were in that bouncer out in the front room and I was on the computer in the bedroom. Eden came to me and said "sorry
mom I put stamps on Hallé." Thinking that she meant postage stamps because I had just given her stamps to mail some letters, I said "oh well, just please go take them off honey." A couple minutes later Eden came back in and said "sorry mommy
they won't come off!" At that moment I snapped out of my mommy brain fog and heard you making squirming noises and realized that you didn't sound like you were in the living room in your bouncer anymore. As I began to run from my
bedroom I look down and saw you (my little infant!!) laying sprawled out on the carpet-stripped down naked except your diaper (and you had been FULLY clothed with socks, shoes, onesie, etc.)...moved across the house by a 3 yr. old and
happy as a clam. It was then that I looked closer and asked Eden why she had taken all her arts & crafts "stamps" (not postage stamps!) and STAMPED all over your body; across forehead, cheeks, hands, arms, belly button, all over
your scalp, and then taken a purple marker and connected all the stampings with purple lines!!??!! Eden said "Oh mommy, I just wanted to make her beautiful!"
She knew that we were going out to a special dinner that night and apparently that was how she was getting you "fancy" to go out. Unfortunately the waitress thought you had a rash and another woman asked if you had a birthmark on your
forehead because the red stamp was a bit too permanent between your eyes! And there began"The adventures of the Hatke Sisters!"